Message from Jean-Philip Vroninks, CEO JLL BeLux I Covide-19 Update

March 18, 2020

Dear clients and partners,


In order to contribute to the collective endeavour to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus and to ensure maximum safety, JLL Belgium has taken the following measures based on local Government guidelines :


  • All our employees are required to work from home but remain at your disposal by email, telephone or via other digital platforms such as Webex or Microsoft Teams.
  • Our employees are advised not to participate in external meetings considering alternative solutions are available. 
  • Visits to construction sites or buildings, which are essential, are still authorised, provided that the health regulations that have been imposed by the Government are strictly respected.
  • Our JLL Belgium offices can be reached by telephone: all fixed lines are transferred to mobile phones.


With these measures, we want to contribute to limit the spread of the virus among our teams and their families, while maintaining our activity running as smoothly as possible.  Our aim is to adapt to these special circumstances while continuing client satisfaction and our commitment to you. 


Thank you for your understanding.


Best regards,


Jean-Philip Vroninks*


+32 (0)2 550 25 25


*revron gcv

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